Life-saving technology in the palm of your hand.
An application for learning and providing CPR with a portable defibrillator.
The application functions on two levels - routine and emergency.
Life-saving technology in the palm of your hand.
An application for learning and providing CPR with a portable defibrillator.
The application functions on two levels - routine and emergency.
Duration 14 weeks
Role Research, Product Design
Course Digital Product Design
Brief Interface for learning in progress

The problem
About 5,000 Israelis suffer from cardiac arrest each year, but only about 6% of them survive.
About 5,000 Israelis suffer from cardiac arrest each year, but only about 6% of them survive.
Why the chances of survival are so low ?

Design process
App store screens - Presenting the application as a product interfacing a physical product.

Defining the user
1. Saving lives in an emergency.
2. Confidence in operating the event - identifing the situation, resuscitation, operation of those around.
3. After identifying (alone or with the help of the MDA center) that this is a situation that requires connection to a defibrillator, quick connection of the external supplement and its use.
2. Confidence in operating the event - identifing the situation, resuscitation, operation of those around.
3. After identifying (alone or with the help of the MDA center) that this is a situation that requires connection to a defibrillator, quick connection of the external supplement and its use.
Pain points
1. Performing CPR involves a lot of pressure. Insecurity and lack of knowledge can escalate the situation.2. In real time, every minute is important, the patient loses precious time while waiting for the ambulance.
3. There is no defibrillator around, and there is no time to go looking for it, most people do not know how to operate it.
Using the device makes it possible to save the lives of 90% of those in cardiac arrest, every second counts!
Even those who are not trained can use it - any smartphone device can connect to the portable defibrillator that is found in private people and common everywhere. Motivation also for CEOs of companies to purchase, for building committees, for restaurants and so on.
Even those who are not trained can use it - any smartphone device can connect to the portable defibrillator that is found in private people and common everywhere. Motivation also for CEOs of companies to purchase, for building committees, for restaurants and so on.
According to user research I conducted I found that
Most of the personas took a first aid course over 6 years ago.
Most of the personas took a first aid course over 6 years ago.

Technological solution
Early treatment will improve the patient's chances of survival.
Early treatment will improve the patient's chances of survival.

The machine attaches to your smart phone and can be used as an AED.

Routine Practice

These screens appear when the application is opened during routine. once a quarter, a first aid refresher must be performed in order to prepare for an emergency situation. The entrance to the quarterly practice is the KPI of the application.

A collection of screens from the refreshing course. A step-by-step transition that includes a verbal explanation combined with a visual explanation.
Emergency Time

During an emergency, the mobile defibrillator is connected to the cell phone, and CPR training is provided using the app.
At the top of the screen there is a conversation with an MDA paramedic.
At the top of the screen there is a conversation with an MDA paramedic.
Routine Practice VS Emergency Time
During routine and emergency the product behaves differently.

While the application routine is characterized by pleasant colors and the atmosphere is calm, there are blocks of text to explain if needed, there is a bottom bar on some screens for navigation.
On the other hand, during an emergency, the colors are much sharper and stand out, there is little text, and mainly a central image, the buttons are very large and only what is important appears on the screen.